A pet friendly HappyBox

Feel free to add things to my box! Or, make it your own :)

dancing kitten gif

In my HappyBox i would put my cats - with the lid off..

Having my cats around makes me happy whenever I am feeling down. But if their not around a few cute cat videos will do - https://goo.gl/wukEdi

There are lots of other things I would put in my HappyBox, and hopefully these will give anyone who reads this ideas too:

A Polaroid of my mum and dad when they were 18

My favourite biscuits - shortbread

Chang & Eng by Darin Strauss

A Winnie the Pooh teddy my dad won for me when I was five

An iPod with all of Bill Withers songs

My Five Minute journal

Anti-bacterial gel.

Published on 25-Feb-2016

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Feeling fragile? Create a HappyBox to help you through those low moments.