About Us

Welcome to The Mix

The Mix is the UK’s leading digital charity for under 25s, reaching over 6 million young people each year. Whatever issue a young person is facing, The Mix is always there for them – via our website, text, or social media. Our support is free, confidential and anonymous and can be accessed wherever young people are.  

We connect young people to experts and their peers to talk about everything from money to mental health, homelessness to jobs, break-ups to drugs and more. No topic is out of bounds, and we are completely non-judgemental.

The Mix’s mission is to empower every young person to make an informed choice about their wellbeing; whether that’s through our peer-led and moderated community, one-to-one webchat, counselling service, crisis support messenger or our range of support content.  

We aim to put young people at the centre of everything we do; we use our service data and collaborate with under 25s to inform every aspect of our services and our wider work. We use youth voice work to share a platform with young people and put their views and experiences at the centre of the conversation. 

Vision Mission Values

What we do: The Mix is here to take on the embarrassing problems, weird questions, and please-don’t-make-me-say-it-out-loud thoughts that people under 25 have in order to give them the best support through our digital and phone services.

Our Vision is that all young people should be able to make informed choices about their physical and mental wellbeing so that they can live better lives.

Our Mission is to become the first point of contact for any young person seeking help or information on any subject wherever and whenever they need it.


  • Empowering – we lead, we train & support, we respect, we give space to grow, we give power to chose
  • Brave – we innovate, we pioneer, we take risks, we tell it how it is
  • Supportive – we listen, we encourage, we care, we’re understanding, we are empathetic
  • Collaborative – we are open & transparent, we co-create, we respect experience & expertise
  • Proactive – we create situations, we make things happen, we get things done
  • Non-judgemental – we do not judge, we do not criticise, we do not blame

Charity Registration Number: 1048995

Company Registration Number: 3031098 (England and Wales)

VAT Registration Number: 766 1469 03

Inland Revenue Number (Gift Aid): XR10652