Mental Health Innovations and The Mix come together for young people
The Mix is joins up with charity MHI to strengthen their early intervention offer for young people.
READ MOREThe Mix’s Back To School Checklist
The non-negotiables for your new year at school or university.
READ MOREThird Wheeling
Third wheeling when your friend is in a relationship can be awkward, but it doesn’t have to be…
READ MOREBreaking the ice with your new university housemates
The Mix and UNiDAYS have your top tips to get to know your new friends…
READ MOREWhat is Digital Detoxing?
The benefits of taking a break from social media.
READ MOREUniversity on a budget
Studying ain’t cheap. Beat the budget with The Mix.
READ MORESober Dating
Modern dating is messy. Alcohol makes it messier. Get to know the benefits of booze-free dating with The Mix.
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