Help us support young people across the UK

To support the changing and diverse needs of young people, we need to understand who the young people are that we support.

If you want to help us understand, you can complete this short survey about yourself and your experiences with digital services.

A young man is sitting at his laptop. He is thinking about how to choose universities. This is a full-body image.

The Mix is always evolving to meet the changing and diverse needs of young people (12-25) in the UK. To do this we need to understand who the young people that we want to support are. Responses to the survey will help us to continue to build a charity which serves young people and their friends and make sure support is available when they need it the most.

The survey will take 5-10 minutes, and asks general questions about who you are, and how you use digital services. All the information will be kept confidential to The Mix and will be used for helping shape our services.

How it works