Mixing drugs

Mixing drugs might help you to have a more interesting night, but three (or more) can easily become a crowd.
Mixing drugs when you’re coming up
Individual drugs have different effects when taken solo. Stimulants, including cocaine, increase brain activity, while depressants such as alcohol slow your system down. Hallucinogens, for example acid, act upon the mind, while analgesics, like heroin, have a pain killing effect. But even if you think you know what kind of kick a certain drug will bring or it’s side effects, it all depends on:
- What’s actually in it
- The amount taken
- Your mood and physical condition
- Your surroundings at the time
Which is a hell of a lot to consider, and almost impossible to suss out unless you’re some kind of genius. Don’t forget that you also need to be aware of your environment and your body as the trip is happening. Combine all of this and it majorly increases the risk of something going wrong.
The most important thing to note is that combining drugs that have the same effect on your body (i.e. stimulant with a stimulant) can lead to major consequences as the end product will be an overreaction in your body. This includes messing with vitals such as blood pressure and heart rate. Bottom line is the effects of any drug can be unpredictable, even more so when it comes to mixing different substances.
If you are planning on taking different drugs in one night, limit the risks by allowing the effects of one drug to wear off before starting on another. It won’t guarantee that you’ll feel the way you wanted, of course, but it should reduce the risks.
Mixing drugs when you’re coming down
It may be tempting to turn to one drug as a way of softening the after effects of another. Sadly, this just stokes up your body with more toxins and complicates the comedown. Smoking a joint may take the edge off a trip, for example, but it could also inflate your sense of paranoia. Make sure that you know what you’re putting in your body. Maybe even get someone to help you figure it out beforehand or be with you during.
Some people choose to come down naturally. Allow the effects to wear off without masking it with another, and you won’t feel as crappy getting back to reality. Just chill out in a comfortable place and aim to eat a healthy balanced meal. At the same time, keep sipping water, isotonic drink or orange juice (which is rich in vitamin C – something that’s often lacking in your system after lowkey destroying it).
Drinking on drugs
Drugs combined with alcohol (also a drug, fyi) is seriously dangerous. This is because drink serves to slow down the nervous system (controlling heart and breathing rate). Combined with other depressant drugs, it could see the body shut down altogether. Barbiturates, such as Amytal or Butisol, should never be mixed with alcohol as this is often a deadly combination. Basically, just try to stick to one substance where possible to minimise the likelihood of a bad reaction.
Mixing cocaine and alcohol
We thought you’d like a real-life example, so let’s use one of the most popular drugs there is – Coke. There is a myth that alcohol will help to boost the cocaine high but we’re here to squash that right now. Mixing cocaine and alcohol can produce lethal results.
I won’t bore you with the chemistry but let’s just say that mixing the two will create a lot of toxins in your body that can lead to organ damage. Aside from the effects we’ve already discussed when mixing, drinking alcohol also increases cravings for cocaine which creates a vicious cycle to prevent withdrawal. Long story short, cocaine and alcohol together are not your friend, under any circumstances.
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By Nishika Melwani
Updated on 29-Jul-2021
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