Self-harm support groups and websites
We've put together our top support groups if you're looking for advice and information about self-harming and the issues that may be affecting your health and wellbeing.

Knowing other people have been through the same thing can really help.
National organisations
Self-injury Support
Aims to help girls and women who harm themselves or who have some sort of emotional distress. The service offers text and email advice, and produces booklets and information on self-injury.
Email: TESS Email Service – specialist email support for girls and young women affected by self-harm.
Text: 0780 047 2908
An active messageboard of people from around the world to talk about self-harm.
The UK’s free, 24-hour helpline for children in danger or distress. Trained volunteer counsellors comfort and advise children and young people when they need it most.
Helpline: 0800 1111
DePaul UK
This is the largest national youth homelessness charity providing accommodation, training, family mediation, volunteering opportunities and resettlement support for young people in prison. Depaul works with around 4,000 young people each year, many of whom have experience of self-harm.
Tel: 0191 2526161
Email: Use this form
42nd Street
Supports young people aged 13 to 25 that live in Manchester, Salford or Trafford, and are under stress or experiencing mental health problems, or know someone who is.
Helpline: 0161 832 0170
Email: [email protected]
Drop-in: If you live in Manchester, Salford or Trafford
A user-led organisation that provides support, information, training and consultancy to people who self-harm, their friends and families and professionals.
Email: [email protected], or if you’re a member send a private message.
National Self-Harm Network
This website is currently being re-vamped. The organisation aims to provide support to people who self-harm and the people affected by it.
Discussion boards: Have your say.
A support and information service, run by students for students and open at night. Some Nightline services offer supplies, such as free condoms, pregnancy tests and attack alarms.
Helpline: Find your Nightline.
The Recovery Network (TRN)
A social networking website offering an online community of like-minded individuals. The network aims to help anyone who is affected directly or indirectly by an addiction or mild to moderate mental health problem, and to provide a safe environment for people looking for information, support and identification.
YoungMinds provides is a charity that aims to improve the emotional well being and mental health of children and young people.
Parents Helpline: 0808 802 5544 is an online community where you can get peer support for self-harm and other mental health problems.
Local Advice Finder
You can also access services near to your home by using The Mix’s Local Advice Finder.
Next Steps
- Anyone can contact the Samaritans on their 24-hour helpline to talk things through. 116 123
- Chat about this subject on our Discussion Boards.
Updated on 29-Sep-2015
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