
My first experience of moving out of home was when I went to university at 18. It was an exciting opportunity more than anything and one I will never forget. Living alone and cooking were difficult to begin with, especilly the latter. However it taught me so much about independeance and not taking anything for granted when at home or anywhere. I did get a bit homesick at first but that quickly faded away as time went on and I grew in confidence. Out of all of he struggles I'd definitely Say cooking was one I Was never very fond of and struggled to keep up to pace with. Financially I had a weekend job which helped to cover expenses my loan couldn't cover as well as understanding the value of working for money.

A funny but sad story was the no kettle situation. Having to boil water to make a breakfast hot drink was damn right embarrassing and painfully long. Away from home you are constantly spending money everyday, from clothes, books, nights and many other different ways.

But enough complaining. The freedom and luxury to make your own decisions every single day is unrivalled and exhilarating. The best experience and learning opportunity to have at a young age to learn from your mistakes and do things at your Own accord.

Moving out is the worst and best experience and jumbled into one big rollercoaster. Do it. It's amazing.

Published on 20-Nov-2017

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