The Big Give: Double your donation

A image of The Big Give campaign, with the words: 'Double your donation and have twice the impact with the big give'

It’s time to donate and double your money with this year’s Big Give!

Every donation The Mix receives between 14th-28th May will be DOUBLED!

Donate now to make an even bigger difference in a young person’s life.

What is The Big Give?

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, The Mix are aiming to raise donations to continue making a positive impact on young people across the UK, at a time when they need it more than ever.

The Big Give campaign, as part of Kind2Mind, is all about raising as much money as possible to help charities and organisations, and the people that use them, by doubling every single donation.

Simply put – whatever The Mix raise within these two weeks will double, thanks to various businesses, philanthropists, and foundations.

Why does it matter?

“The support I received from The Mix helped me to learn new ways to cope with some of the things I was struggling with, acknowledge that my feelings do matter and made me feel like I wasn’t alone.” – Isaac, young person

Over the last year The Mix did a lot of good things for lots of young people, including:

  • Helping over 1 million young people with online resources and content.
  • Engaging over 150,000 young people through our discussion boards.
  • Delivering over 4600 counselling sessions to those who need it.
  • Reaching out to over 5 million young people through social media.

The Mix knows it makes a difference to the lives of young people. They also know that they can’t do it without the generosity and good will of every single person who donates.

By donating with The Big Give, The Mix can build upon the positive impact they have on young people while maximising each donation they receive.

Double the money = double the difference.

How can you help?

With all donations doubled, this is how your money can help a young person:

50p (£1) helps promote a young ambassador share their story on social media.

£7.50 (£15) trains a volunteer moderator for our online communities.

£12.50 (£25) funds a confidential (and potentially life-changing) counselling session for a young person.

Donate now on our fundraiser page to help us support young people’s lives today.


Published on 13-May-2024

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