The Mix celebrates the kindness of young people for Mental Health Awareness Week

The Mix Staff
Illustration shows three young people helping each other up a hill with a chain of flowers. The text above reads: "KIndness pledges, The Mix, Mental Health Awareness Week 2020"

To mark Mental Health Awareness Week, 2020, the official theme of which is kindness, The Mix have launched a brand new campaign which celebrates the things young people are doing to be kind, make connections and combat loneliness during lockdown.

The Mix have published a kindness diary which uses the results of a site survey to share stories and data about young people and kindness. This is a new monthly feature which will continue beyond lockdown to continue to celebrate young people.

On social, The Mix are encouraging young people to make kindness pledges and to share their stories of kindness.

On their community boards, The Mix are giving young people the chance to write a song with a professional band, in a feature called “Legends of Lockdown.”

As part of the week’s events, the musician Frank Turner will be performing for The Mix’s community of young people via Instagram. The performance will go on The Mix’s IGTV on Thursday 21st May at 6pm.

Frank will be talking about why it’s important to be kind at this time, and showing how kindness can be spread with music. He’ll be performing some of his uplifting kindness-themed tracks, including Don’t WorryRecovery, and Be More Kind.

Frank says: “I think that now we’re in this strange and unprecedented time, now that we’re living through the middle of history, I think it’s time for us to really take this onboard. I want everybody listening to this to make sure that they and their loved ones are staying safe, are staying healthy, are staying sane… but also staying kind both to the people around you… and also to yourselves as well. Because that’s the best piece of advice I ever got given was be gentle and kind with yourself as you would be with your friends.”

The performance is a part of an Instagram series called Thursday Sessions, in which The Mix invites a different person every week to share a skill, run a workshop or give a performance for our community, to help them cope with the pressures of lockdown and escape negative news with some uplifting, interactive content.


Published on 20-May-2020

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